Welcome to My Blog! God Bless!

Welcome to My Blog! God Bless!

Martes, Mayo 15, 2012

DNA of a Leader


Its been so long since I've created my previous blog and now I've decided to create a new one, entitled "DNA of a Leader". This past few months, there are lot of things get on my way. Things that are really unexpected but made me feel undeniably excited and motivated. As a result, I gladly created this blog!

According to Genetics Home Reference, In every nucleus of each cell, the DNA molecule is packaged into thread-like structures called chromosomes. Chromosomes determine the gender of a human, It can be either X or Y chromosomes that figure out whether a human is a female or a male. In terms of genes, it determine the color of your hair, eyes and skin. Now, like the question of Greg Watson in his work "DNA of an Entrepreneur" I wonder what is the DNA of a Leader?

Few months ago, the College of Business Administration and Accountancy held an election for the next officers of the BAASA (Business Administration and Accountancy Students' Association) SY 2012-13. It so happened that I was one of the candidate in the said election. I was so nervous and excited at the same time. Even though I was nervous, I said to myself "Hiedee! Everyone deserves a chance and your one of them". I really have this desire to grab the opportunity to help students like me in our department in terms of service. When the final counting of votes begun, I was a little bit uneasy. And finally, when all votes were counted the result were immediately announced. In my surprise, I've top the BAASA election in Senior division. I was so amazed and undeniably happy. I was really thankful to God and to all of my fellow students who supported me. But I know that the things I might encounter as a BAASA Officer will not be easy. I have now a bigger responsibility that I must perform very well. I pray that by God's grace, this Academic Year 12-13 I'm able to do my duties and responsibilities in my very own best way. Let's see If I do have a DNA of a Leader!